Getting Started with WOGAA | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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WOGAA is only available for Singapore public officers with a government-issued email. Register for your account through this link.

How do you use WOGAA?

  • WOGAA Uptime: To use WOGAA Uptime, users can subscribe for email and/or SMS notifications via WOGAA. This allows users to be notified via their preferred platform once downtime occurs.
  • WOGAA Inspect: WOGAA Inspect provides a dashboard for viewing the Performance, Accessibility, Best Practice and Searchability/Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) scores of an agency’s digital service. Users can also view actionable recommendations to improve the scores of each component as well or generate a report for further analysis.
  • WOGAA Analytics: WOGAA Analytics presents data such as visits, page views, bounce rate, visit duration etc. in a consolidated dashboard that can be viewed collectively.
  • WOGAA Sentiments: Users can customise the questions, positioning, colours and choose from a selection of designs to ensure the widget matches their page. WOGAA Sentiments presents user feedback scores against a 6-point scale rating in a dashboard, allowing users to view a breakdown of all audience ratings and feedback, or download a report containing qualitative and quantitative Sentiments data for further analysis. Users can also subscribe to the Sentiments report to receive daily or weekly user feedback straight to their email inboxes.

Last updated 13 December 2022

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