Identification of similar vulnerabilities
XCA scans benefit from CSG’s experience in conducting multiple security tests and vulnerability disclosures to identify similar vulnerable code patterns in your applications.
High-confidence scanning rules
XCA Rules are carefully crafted and curated by CSG, with strict quality tests to ensure a high true-positive rate of detected issues. Teams can therefore focus on remediating XCA findings over generic rulesets used by other general SAST solutions.
Agile ruleset
XCA Rules are InnerSourced on SHIP-HATS 2.0 GitLab and welcome contributions from developers and cybersecurity specialists. Contributed rules go through the same rigour of quality tests, which weeds out low-confidence rules and improves the quality of contributed rules.
InnerSource refers to the application of open-source software development practices to develop private code within organisations.
Integration with GitLab
XCA is designed to operate alongside other code scanning solutions and is deeply integrated with GitLab’s-native features. Teams can interact with XCA findings through the familiar GitLab UI, as with all other GitLab built-in tools.
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A Set of Custom Rules That Detect Repeated Vulnerabilities in Code