Open Digital Platform (ODP) - The Intelligent Smart City Operating System of the Future | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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The Open Digital Platform (ODP) is an award-winning smart city operating system that integrates various district management operations onto a single platform.

Developed by JTC Corporation (JTC) and GovTech, the ODP will serve as the digital backbone for the Punggol Digital District (PDD). This will be JTC’s first smart and sustainable district. Additionally, the ODP will be a key component of Singapore’s digital infrastructure, playing a crucial role in driving Singapore’s Smart Nation ambitions.

Fig 1: Aerial view of PDD, Singapore's first smart district. Photo credit: JTC
Fig 1: Aerial view of PDD, Singapore's first smart district.

Built on the Singapore Government Tech Stack (SGTS), the ODP is designed to integrate various smart city solutions including:

  • Facilities, building and estate management systems
  • District cooling system
  • Pneumatic waste conveyancing system
  • Autonomous goods delivery systems
  • Access and security systems
  • Carpark systems
Fig 2: Image of how tenants and estate managers in the PDD can use a Digital Twin to test ideas before execution, allowing better, data-based decisions to be made. Photo credit: JTC
Fig 2: Image of how tenants and estate managers in the PDD can use a Digital Twin to test ideas before execution, allowing better, data-based decisions to be made. Photo credit: JTC

Key Benefits

The ODP embodies the foundational core for day-to-day life in our Smart Nation. It will facilitate the digitalisation and centralisation of district operations to:

  • Empower estate managers to run and operate estates effectively and efficiently. This includes helping districts to meet sustainability targets for water and energy consumption, and manpower optimisation.
  • Ease the delivery of estate services and amenities through open and secure data-sharing frameworks. As a key enabler, the ODP delivers convenience to citizens, businesses, and other government services. Utilising real-time data from sensors and IoT devices, we can help estate managers to quickly identify and react to potential problems on the ground.

Awards and Recognition

The ODP won the category of Outstanding Smart City Project for Urban Planning and Land Use at the IDC Smart City Asia/Pacific Awards (SCAPA) in 2021.

Getting Started

For onboarding information about ODP, please send in your request through this form.

What’s Next

  • Ahead of its roll-out in PDD from 2024 onwards, the ODP has been test-bedded in The JTC Summit and Woodlands North Coast since 2022 and 2023 respectively.
  • GovTech is also looking at how the platform can be further developed with the aim of scaling it up as our Smart Facilities Management (FM) solution within the Singapore Government.

Contact Us

Reach out to the product team with your queries or feedback through this form.

Last updated 19 July 2024

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