Key Benefits
Empower estate managers to operate estates effectively and efficiently.
Utilising real-time data from sensors and IoT devices, the ODP allows estate managers to quickly identify and address potential issues, ensuring a proactive approach to urban management.
It aids in achieving sustainability targets for water and energy consumption while optimising manpower usage.
With the right applications, it can benefit the citizens, businesses, and government services alike.
connected buildings
ODP App Users
ODP C3 Users
Key Achievements
Received coverage by respected mainstream media platforms such as Frankfurter Allgemeine, Nikkei, KBS, TechRadar and others (German, Japanese, Korean, US and CNA/Straits Times, Italian)
Received publicity from the public
Punggol Digital District Project: The Real-Life Wakanda of Asia (
Awards & Recognitions
IDC Smart City Asia/Pacific Awards (SCAPA) 2021
Outstanding Smart City Project for Urban Planning and Land Use
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Open Digital Platform
A Smart City Operating System That Advances Singapore's Urban Management Capabilities