Creating a Vibrant Business Hub through Centralised Information and Services | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Creating a Vibrant Business Hub through Centralised Information and Services

Digitalising government services with quick and convenient online systems supports the growth of businesses, from start-ups to multinational corporations. Companies benefit from time and cost savings when business-related government transactions and guides can be accessed virtually.

In Singapore, business owners enjoy easy access to government e-services and a tailored journey on the GoBusiness website. Jointly developed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), the Smart Nation and Digital Government Office (SNDGO), and GovTech, GoBusiness integrates government resources and e-services that are relevant to businesses across different sectors into a single, centralised platform.


On the GoBusiness portal, business owners can locate their needs quickly and access over 300 government e-services, including business registration, licence and grant applications with the GoBusiness e-Services Navigator. There are also e-advisers which provide recommendations on how to start up a business, the licenses businesses should apply for based on their business intents, and suitable government assistance schemes for them. Additionally, the website contains guides for businesses, and opportunities for business growth through the GeBIZ portal.

Designed to be a one-stop portal for business owners, GoBusiness receives a monthly average of 200,000 visits, and its Business Grants Portal processed more than 60,000 requests for business assistance in 2020.

As part of our efforts to support businesses in Singapore, more services will be progressively added to the GoBusiness platform. Come 2022, a new personalised dashboard recommending relevant e-services will be launched to improve discoverability of these e-services and provide more comprehensive user journeys that cater to different business profiles.

Fig 1: Gobusiness' Adoption and Utilisation Levels.png
Fig 1: Gobusiness' Adoption and Utilisation Levels

Find out more about our centralised business hub here:

Last updated 05 September 2022

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