BookingSG – A Pre-Booking Tool for Calendaring, Availability, Rostering and Booking (CARB) Management. | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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BookingSG helps Government agencies to offer pre-booking services to citizens. Through BookingSG, agencies can perform Calendaring, Availability, Rostering and Booking (CARB) management. BookingSG can be leveraged as a service on its own, it can be offered as part of a user journey or it can be used as an engine.

What is BookingSG?

There are three groups of BookingSG users: service administrators, service providers and citizens. The functionalities of BookingSG for each user group is as shown in Fig 1 below.

Fig 1: BookingSG’s services for service administrators, service providers and citizens (left to right)
Fig 1: BookingSG’s services for service administrators, service providers and citizens (left to right)

Why Should BookingSG be Adopted?

Fig 2 illustrates the benefits* of BookingSG for Government agencies. This includes its security, multi-agency connectivity, customisation features, plug-and-play model, lower implementation and maintenance costs, fluid integration abilities and future proof features.

Fig 2: Benefits of BookingSG for Whole of Government (WOG)
Fig 2: Benefits of BookingSG for Whole of Government (WOG)

*BookingSG is currently working towards these benefits.

How Do You Use BookingSG?

The various ways to utilise BookingSG are as shown below.

As a service: Government Agencies interested in signing up for BookingSG can reach out to the BookingSG team through this form to allow the team to better understand their needs and determine the corresponding setups required before onboarding them into the staging environment for trials.

As part of a journey: Include BookingSG in user journeys by redirecting requests to BookingSG or embed BookingSG components for specific tasks to be performed on top of pre-existing features.

As an engine: Use BookingSG as an engine to serve highly complicated use cases and integrate BookingSG using its API to leverage common CARB logic. Government agencies will have full autonomy on how calendars and bookings are presented to users.

As a combination: The various service offerings of BookingSG can be used in different combinations - from using the admin portal as a SaaS, to additional business logic defined on the web/app before redirecting to BookingSG for slot selection supported by API integration. This allows the desired user experiences to be achieved.

To start using BookingSG, fill out this form.

Fig 3: BookingSG’s dashboard for calendar bookings
Fig 3: BookingSG’s dashboard for calendar bookings

What’s Next?

Currently the BookingSG team is improving the product allow it to be more holistic and comparable to commercial SaaS products. This will facilitate the onboarding of more Government agencies into BookingSG.

Contact Us

Reach out to the product team with your queries or feedback through this form.

Last updated 09 July 2024

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