Sign with Singpass – Convenient and Secure Digital Signing of Documents | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Sign with Singpass allows Singapore residents to use the Singpass app to digitally sign an electronic document. This is a secure electronic signature that is uniquely linked to the signer. Signatures made using Sign with Singpass are regarded as secure electronic signatures under Singapore’s Electronic Transactions Act.

The user journey for Sign with Singpass is similar to logging in with Singpass, Singapore’s National Digital Identity (NDI) – users can simply scan the QR code displayed on the screen using their Singpass app, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the authentication and signing process.

The signed document is platform-agnostic, allowing the validated signature to be viewed with the user’s preferred system.

To date, more than 500,000 signatures have been made using Sign with Singpass in various use cases piloted by companies in industries including insurance, real estate and banking.

Sign with Singpass is part of the Singapore Government Tech Stack.

How It Works

For agencies and businesses

Public agencies and businesses can integrate the Sign with Singpass application programming interface (API) with internal systems, or use commercial products from Digital Signing Partners that are pre-integrated with the Sign with Singapss API.

For users

This is how Sign with Singpass enables users to sign digital documents:

  1. Review the document to be signed on the service website – using a computer or a mobile device – and choose the “Sign with Singpass” option.
  2. Tap or scan the QR code displayed, to start signing digitally.
  3. Review the signing details on the Singpass app, and approve the signing.
  4. View the successfully signed document on the service website.

Key Benefits

  • Sign with Singpass provides electronic signatures that are secure and authenticated
  • Businesses enjoy increased productivity and efficiency
  • Greater convenience for users as they do not need to be physically present to sign documents


Onboarding for Sign with Singpass is free until further notice.

Contact Us

Reach out to the product team with your queries or feedback through this form.

Last updated 09 July 2024

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