Government on Commercial Cloud (GCC) - A “Wrapper” Platform for Onboarding of Government Services into the Cloud | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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GCC is a “wrapper” platform that provides government agencies with a consistent means to adopt commercial cloud solutions offered by cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). GCC allows GovTech and other agencies to pursue government digital transformation and advancement of citizen and business services through cloud capabilities so that we can transcend the limitations of traditional systems and create a government that serves the needs of its citizens. more quickly and securely at reduced costs.

Fig 1: Illustration of GCC’s "Wrapper" Platform
Fig 1: Illustration of GCC’s “wrapper” platform

Key Benefits

Hosting digital services on GCC brings the modern innovations and capabilities of commercial cloud computing platforms to government systems with the right level of security classifications. Government agencies will gain access to a global ecosystem of ready-made solutions to add advanced features to their digital services instead of trying to create a brand-new solution from scratch. These leading ICT capabilities are augmented by robust cybersecurity measures and systems to protect the data that resides on commercial cloud platforms.

GCC 2.0

GCC 2.0 was rebuilt from the ground up based on learnings from GCC 1.0 (launched in 2019), new changes include:

  1. speeding up the onboarding processes
  2. simplifying service requests
  3. improving time-to-market by tapping on more cloud native services within the platform.
  4. revamped processes and service offerings to ease onboarding and procurement of Cloud services.

To drive the adoption of Cloud across Whole-of-Government (WoG), GCC 2.0 was redesigned to leverage on more existing cloud native capabilities and align with the cloud security practices, with one key feature: Policy-as-Code that ensures continuous security compliance for all workloads. In summary, the design of GCC 2.0 platform empowers the entire Singapore Government to enhance the delivery of government digital services with increase speed, cost-effectiveness, and security.

GCC 2.0 for AWS was available on 4 May 2022, while GCC 2.0 for Azure was released on 30 November 2022. This is followed by the launch of GCC 2.0 for GCP on 7 July 2023. GCC will be leveraged as a WOG platform along with the Singapore Government Tech Stack for modern app development.

The next phase of GCC 2.0 aims to provide more services and features that continues to focus on keeping resources compliant and secure, easy to scale, and help improve agencies’ budget planning and cost control. In addition, tools such as Cost Optimisation Dashboard and Sustainability Dashboard will also help WOG gain insights to potential savings opportunities as well as track and improve their sustainability performance.

Government Services On GCC

Some key government services that have been developed and implemented on GCC are:

  • GoBusiness and GoBusiness Licensing Portal that provides businesses with easy access to over 300 Government-to-Business-services, including licenses applications.
  • WOGAA (Whole-of-Government Application Analytics), a platform that monitors the performance of government websites and digital services in real-time.
  • SupplyAlly, a mobile app that facilitates logistics distribution.
  • MyCareersFuture, a widely used job search and career guidance portal by government agencies.
  • SHIP-HATS, made up of SHIP (Secure Hybrid Integration Pipeline) and HATS (Hive Agile Testing Solutions), a multi-tenanted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery CI/CD component within the Singapore Government Tech Stack (SGTS) with security and governance guardrails that enable developers to plan, build, test and deploy code to production.

Another key Government-to-Public/Business system that is implemented on GCC is the Inland Revenue Interactive Network (IRIN). This integrated tax administration system of the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) improves the user experience for taxpayers through the shift to microservices. Taxpayers can now complete their tax obligations from tax assessment to payment in one sitting. Tax submission processes for corporate taxpayers have also become more simplified and integrated with their corporate systems and accounting software.


For details on GCC 2.0’s pricing, click here (Only accessible via the Intranet on government officers’ GSIB laptops).

Contact Us

Reach out to the product team with your queries or feedback through this form.

Last updated 09 July 2024

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