Features | Singapore Government Developer Portal
How It Works


Fully-managed search solution

SearchSG provides a comprehensive suite of search solutions with many processes being automated and simplified to help agencies reduce onboarding and maintenance efforts. This includes:

  • Automatic web crawling to ensure that search results are kept up-to-date.
  • A plug-and-play search bar widget and results page for government websites.
  • Automatically generated content labels and filters.
  • Intranet search integration with Microsoft Sharepoint and Microsoft Teams. Beta schedules for release in December 2024.

Improved search relevance

SearchSG provides the most relevant results for search queries based on users’ behaviour. This is achieved through:

  • Semantic search and government-optimised relevance rankings.
  • Incremental learning and improvement of search results based on past data.
  • Synonym support.

Search results features for optimising the search process

SearchSG’s search results features help users find relevant information more quickly or find related information which can help refine their search process. These features include:

  • SmartAnswer: Concise responses customised to your search query, supported by citations for credibility and accuracy.
  • SmartSnippet: Answer snippets automatically detected and generated from our search engine, with no effort needed to manually curate the responses.
  • Related questions which can be used to help refine search queries.
  • An option to jump to related sections.
  • Related search results.
  • The ability to pin featured results.
  • The ability to search for content across the Whole-of-Government.

Search suggestions

These features help users to formulate suitable search queries even if they are unable to come up with the right words at the moment. They include:

  • Autocomplete suggestions.
  • Corrections for misprints such as language mistakes.

Customisation of search results

This allows customisation of the UI of the search results page to ensure that it aligns to the look and feel of the government website that it is integrated with. Examples of search results page items that can be customised include:

  • The theme and branding of the search results page.
  • The type of results filters present.
  • The ability to embed the results page within a government website.

Analytics services

Data-driven insights into your website’s search performance, user search activities and behaviour. Specific insights you can track

  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): Relevance of search results.
  • Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR): Accuracy of search results.
  • Top Search Queries: Top search terms users are looking for.

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A Machine Learning-Driven Search Engine That Delivers Precise Outcomes