Improving operational efficiency and supporting sustainable practices through ODP
By leveraging the capabilities of the ODP, the centralisation of district operations is projected to reduce operational manpower by approximately 50%. Furthermore, it aims to decrease energy and water consumption by 30% compared to the national average.
Looking ahead, we plan to integrate additional building systems into the ODP, including:
- Pneumatic waste conveyancing
- District cooling and smart energy grid systems
- Extra-low voltage public address system (ELV-PA)
- Fire alarm and protection systems
We implemented AI and machine learning solutions to manage building systems such as air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation (ACMV) as well as elevator systems. This will optimise energy usage, increase cost savings, and enhance the quality of life for occupants.
a robotics traffic management system has been implemented to manage the movement of autonomous robots within ODP-enabled estates. You can request access to the ODP Playbook for Robot Access via this form.
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Open Digital Platform
A Smart City Operating System That Advances Singapore's Urban Management Capabilities