When a senior in distress activates the PAB, it sends a distress signal to either a Senior Activity Centre (SAC) or CareLine, a 24-hour telecare service offered by Changi General Hospital (CGH). Upon receiving the alert, the staff will assess the situation and respond as needed. They can communicate directly with the distressed senior through the PAB’s 4G technology, which allows for two-way communication, or they may use a 10-second audio recording to evaluate the circumstances within the household.
How Do You Use the PAB?
Use the PAB by following these steps:
- PRESS the red button if you are in distress and need help. (Press the blue button on the side of the PAB to cancel the distress signal if you pressed the red button by accident.)
- TELL the PAB what has happened. Your description will be recorded and sent to either an SAC or CareLine.
- WAIT for SAC or CareLine staff to respond to you or visit your house to provide assistance.
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A State-of-the-Art Device That Protects Seniors Living Alone