STACK 2022 Developer Conference | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Tuesday (15/11/2022)

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

Embracing a Brave New World of Technology – A Government Journey

Many large organisations have been quickly overtaken by the rapid progress of technology around them, and this is no exception for governments around the world. Venturing into the brave new world of technology is like a young person leaving home for the first time. It is full of freedom, excitement and anxiety, It is also full of risks, fear and uncertainties. Ignoring technology like Cloud, SaaS, full stack, etc., is no longer an option. The days of building bespoke monolithic systems from scratch is risky, costly and wasteful. The new world is about reusability, iterations and automation. It’s about talent, culture and design. The Singapore Government, like everyone else, needs to embrace this brave new world or risk becoming irrelevant.


Mr Chan Cheow Hoe is the Government Chief Digital Technology Officer (GCDTO) of the Smart Nation and Digital Government Office (SNDGO). He is also concurrently the Deputy Chief Executive of the Government Technology Agency of Singapore (GovTech). As the GCDTO, Cheow Hoe oversees the development of the Government’s digital infrastructure and digital technology capability, as well as talent development in information and communication technology and smart systems (ICT&SS). He will also oversee the development of platforms to enable resource sharing and interoperability across Government,so as to drive the development and delivery of innovative government digital services for citizens and businesses. In his role as Deputy Chief Executive, GovTech, he oversees multi-disciplinary teams that develop and manage key government’s digital products such as the National Digital Identity.Cheow Hoe has more than two decades of extensive experience both in the public and private sectors, with a strong track record in leading digital transformation changes in organisations and the government. Prior to joining GovTech, Cheow Hoe held senior appointments in international banks and consulting companies in the areas of technology, operations, finance and business. Cheow Hoe graduated from the National University of Singapore, and obtained his masters from Wharton School.

10:20 AM - 10:50 AM

Why SaaS and PaaS are Perfect for Government -- Almost Every Time!

Can SaaS and PaaS platforms handle the security, complexity, and scale of government IT? Join us as we explore how today’s Cloud 3.0-based platforms deliver on the 5 essential building blocks of digital transformation for Government. Learn how to leverage SaaS to increase agility, speed, security, reuse, and success in today’s most demanding government IT environments.


Paul Tatum leads the Global Public Sector Solutions Engineering team, helping governments around the world modernise their businesses and missions using Salesforce leading PaaS and SaaS offerings. Paul is responsible for overall technical direction, architecture, and solutions based on Salesforce cloud services.

Paul brings over 30 years of experience working with Public Sector customers and provides technical and business executive insights in the areas of Cloud Computing, CRM, Case Management, Security, Integrated Platforms, AI/ML, Analytics, and IT trends in government. Paul has held Solutions Engineering leadership roles since 2000, always focusing on technical excellence and customer success.

10:50 AM - 11:20 AM

Extending the AWS Cloud Outside of Public Regions

The AWS Nitro System is the underlying platform for our next generation of EC2 instances that enables AWS to innovate faster, further reduce cost for our customers, and deliver added benefits like increased security and new instance types. AWS has completely re-imagined our virtualisation infrastructure. Traditionally, hypervisors protect the physical hardware and bios, virtualise the CPU, storage, networking, and provide a rich set of management capabilities. With the Nitro System, we are able to break apart those functions, offload them to dedicated hardware and software, and reduce costs by delivering practically all of the resources of a server to your instances.

In this talk, we will explore the improved hardware-based security in the Nitro System, including how we can leverage this technology outside of traditional public cloud regions using AWS Outposts and Local Zones.


Anthony leads the virtualisation teams within EC2 for public cloud and edge offerings. Anthony led the development of the Nitro System, Firecracker, and AWS Outposts. Prior to join AWS, Anthony led the Open Source QEMU VMM project.

11:20 AM - 11:50 AM

Delivering Trust in a Data Driven World

Trust has become critical in the data-driven world. As digital activity continues to grow, more information on our lives becomes available online, and more decisions rely on online data; trust is crucial. Yet, it is easy to lose trust but difficult to rebuild it. This talk will address the technology and policy approaches to maintaining trust, deriving unbiased data-driven insights, and securing systems.

It will illustrate how to build trustworthy systems for your users to interact confidently in the digital world.


Rebecca is CTO at Thoughtworks and is a scientist with a strong love of programming languages. Beyond her technical achievements, she is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion in the industry, particularly increasing the number of women in coding and STEM. She has served on the boards of CodeChix and the Agile Alliance, is currently on the board of trustees of and is an advisor to Women Who Code. She leads the Thoughtworks global technical staff with wisdom, a willingness to embrace new technologies, and a deep understanding of tech culture. She has also co-authored a number of books, including Domain-Specific Languages, The Thoughtworks Anthology, and Building Evolutionary Architectures.

04:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Our Values Shape Our Product

The past few years have shown that all companies must become software companies if they want to quickly adapt and compete – and DevOps plays a critical role in helping businesses achieve this. But what’s the difference between DevOps tools and a DevOps platform? And how do company values impact the value of the company’s products? Join Sid Sijbrandij, CEO and Co-founder of GitLab (the One DevOps platform), as he answers why a platform has a greater impact on productivity, security, and operational excellence. You’ll also hear how values had a major impact on GitLab’s journey to create the One DevOps platform and how other companies can benefit from the culture-focused lessons learned by GitLab.


Sid Sijbrandij is the Co-founder and CEO of GitLab Inc., the DevOps platform. GitLab’s single application helps organisations deliver software faster and more efficiently while strengthening security and compliance.

Sid’s career path is untraditional, from building recreational submarines to working at the Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid on the Legis project. A self-taught programmer, in 2012 he discovered GitLab and his passion for open source. Soon after, Sid commercialized GitLab and led the company through Y Combinator’s Winter 2015 batch. Under his leadership, GitLab has grown with an estimated 30 million+ registered users from startups to global enterprises.

* Please note that the programme may be subject to change without prior notice

Wednesday (16/11/2022)

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Zero Trust at Scale

Customers and countries have an increasing dual challenge of modernising end-user experiences while defending against ever-increasing security threats. Zero trust is a paradigm that allows digital transformation to deliver innovative applications and architectures as well as evolving cybersecurity. This session will discuss zero trust through products and practices that protect applications, data, devices, identity, infrastructure, and networks on a national scale.


As Corporate Vice President of Enterprise and Cloud, Paul Lorimer leads the engineering and operations teams in Microsoft 365 focused on both business growth and service quality for our enterprise customers. He is responsible for driving Microsoft 365 growth through international expansion, public sector offerings, and investments in enterprise targeted capabilities. In addition, Lorimer leads key areas within Microsoft 365 business including Exchange, Skype for Business and Consumer, the development of new productivity features for complex organizations, and Compliance and Privacy. Committed to ensuring customers experience the value of Microsoft products within their business, Lorimer also supports government and large enterprise customers as they transition to the cloud.

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

What’s New in Google Cloud Infrastructure

Google Cloud has long enabled transformation in the public sector by providing a spectrum of security and compliance features and offerings to meet diverse needs of public sector customers. It is built on planet-scale, distributed infrastructure that thousands of customers across the globe rely on, and it continues to grow rapidly. Hear from Sachin Gupta, VP and GM of Google Cloud Infrastructure, about the latest enhancements in the infrastructure offerings focused on optimising cost, security, compliance, and ease of use as well as transformational benefits.


Sachin Gupta is the Vice President and General Manager of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) at Google Cloud. Having joined Google in 2020, Sachin brings together Product, Strategy, and UX across Cloud Compute, Storage, Networking, and Google Distributed Cloud businesses. His team is also responsible for global expansion, reliability infrastructure and Technical Infrastructure which serves the needs of all Google product areas.

Through a deep understanding of enterprise customers, Sachin has a 20+ year track record of building solid teams and creating innovative products and services. Before joining Google, Sachin worked at Cisco for 23 years, where he served as SVP of Product for Enterprise Networking. Within his teams, Sachin has been a long-time champion of customer focus and an inclusive team culture. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Purdue, a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, and an MBA from Wharton.

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Simplifying Data and AI with Lakehouse Platforms

Traditionally, building data and AI applications in most enterprises has been complex because data is stored and processed across many disparate systems: data lakes such as Amazon S3, SQL data warehouses, message bus systems, and others. Enterprises have to staff large data engineering projects to move data across these systems, and end-users experience long delays and reliability problems. In the past few years, the cloud and open source have enabled a new class of data platform that unifies data lakes and warehouses, the lakehouse, and makes it significantly easier to share data across an organisation for all use cases. Because these platforms use open source formats, they are also directly usable in AI and streaming applications. I will describe how lakehouse systems such as the open source Delta Lake project, and how Databricks customers are using the lakehouse to achieve unprecedented scale and operational simplicity across analytics and AI use cases.


Matei Zaharia is a Cofounder and Chief Technologist at Databricks as well as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stanford. He started the Apache Spark project during his PhD at UC Berkeley in 2009, and has worked broadly on other widely used data and machine learning software, including MLflow, Delta Lake and Apache Mesos. He works on a wide variety of projects in data management and machine learning at Databricks and Stanford. Matei’s research was recognized through the 2014 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award, an NSF CAREER Award, and the US Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).

04:00 PM - 04:30 PM

The Rise of the Platforms Team: An Organisational Response to Developer Experience

One area of work culture that receives a lot of focus is Developer Experience. As we seek to provide engineers with autonomy, it is easy to expect them to know too much about too many things, detracting from their core capabilities and contributing to burnout.

In this session, Grant explores how Platform Engineering can reduce cognitive load, improving Developer Experience. You will learn how Platform Engineering functions at HashiCorp, how it interfaces with other teams as part of a release process, and what skills you should be on the lookout for as you seek to build your own Platform Team.


Ned Shawa leads the Solutions Engineering Team in Asia Pacific and Japan for HashiCorp, directly aligning with CIOs and CTOs in the Financial industry, the Technology sector and Governments advising on application modernisation, cloud adoption and multi-cloud strategies, with DevOps and DataOps and application delivery pipelines in the centre. Ned has over 15 years of experience in infrastructure and analytics – in his current role, he was the first employee for HashiCorp in the APJ region, leading the awareness of the challenges of multi-cloud and how to overcome them using infrastructure and cloud-agnostic platforms that address a long term challenge of provisioning, securing and interconnecting a multi-cloud and infrastructure environments. This allows a long term resilience and maximum agility for platform engineering teams and lays the foundation for modern application delivery and modern data centres.

* Please note that the programme may be subject to change without prior notice

Last updated 22 November 2022

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