Data Infrastructure in a Box (DIAB) - Accelerate Your Data Infrastructure Deployment on GCC | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Data Infrastructure in a Box (DIAB) serves as an accelerator for data infrastructure deployment and maintenance on the Government on Commercial Cloud (GCC).

Government agencies can use DIAB to architect, deploy and secure data infrastructure. Developed by GovTech’s Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID), DIAB helps agencies to save time and reduce overheads when designing and implementing cloud infrastructure, allowing them to focus on building the applications layer instead.

Using Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) templates and reference architecture, DIAB helps with the data engineering considerations that agencies may have, as shown in the diagram below:

Fig 1: The data engineering considerations that DIAB can help agencies with.
Fig 1: The data engineering considerations that DIAB can help agencies with.

DIAB is part of the Runtime component of the Singapore Government Tech Stack (SGTS), and it is built upon the data engineering and project experience that the product team has gained from working with multiple government agencies.

Fig 2: An overview of how DIAB helps agencies to build their data infrastructure.
Fig 2: An overview of how DIAB helps agencies to build their data infrastructure.

In summary, DIAB aims to help agencies build consistent and scalable data infrastructure.

Note: As DIAB is an IaC product, knowledge of the open-source Terraform IaC tool is needed to properly utilise it.

Key Benefits

  • Ease of Use: Reduces the technical complexity by providing easy-to-use templates for agencies to get started on their cloud data transformation journey.

  • Enhances efficiency and developer productivity: Helps agencies save on development time, resources, and costs in deploying data infrastructure in the cloud.

  • Built-in Compliance: DIAB is compliant with the Instruction Manual for Infocomm Technology and Smart Systems (ICT&SS) Management. This is useful for agencies that lack the necessary expertise or wish to minimise the hassle of handling security measures, as well as agencies that require high compliance with security standards for their projects.

  • Flexibility in deployment: DIAB is modular, customisable and provides standardised reference architectures for the different use cases that public agencies have.

  • Future-proof: The forward-looking data infrastructure and engineering ensure that your agency’s data infrastructure is compatible or integrable with current and future Whole-of-Government (WOG) products.


DIAB is currently free to use until further notice. Public officers can access DIAB IaC templates for free through their SHIP-HATS account after agreeing to the DIAB Terms and Conditions. In future, this service may be chargeable.

What’s Next

In FY23, the team plans to integrate DIAB with Analytics.Gov, to allow analytical workloads to be performed on the data residing in an agency’s respective databases or data warehouses in GCC. (AG) is a WOG central secured data exploitation platform that is also developed by DSAID.

In 2024, the team plans to release an Azure version of DIAB for GCC 2.0.

Contact Us

Reach out to the product team with your queries or feedback through this form.

Last updated 09 July 2024

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