STACKx Smart City 2024 | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Product/Tech Track Talks

Wednesday (27/03/2024)

01:15 PM - 01:30 PM

Digital Twins - "Through Thick and Thin"

Digital Twins have been gaining significant traction among various industries. This lightning talk will unravel the difference and commonality between two client types of digital twin (DT) applications: Thick Clients and Thin Clients. A thick client application refers to software application that is installed and runs on a computer or specialised terminal of good hardware and high computing performance. On the other hand, a thin client application is a lightweight application that would fit well to devices of lesser computing & hardware requirements. We will explore their characteristics, applications and synergy for different industries use cases.


Speakr Avatar Image Dr Ong Lay Teen, Lead System Engineer (Digital Twin), Smart City Technology Division (SCTD), GovTech

01:30 PM - 01:45 PM


Modelling and Simulation (M&S) is a game-changing capability that will revolutionize planning, operations and management of the cities. By enabling the simulation and experimentation of countless scenarios in a Smart City context, M&S can accelerate innovation and development of planning and operational systems. What SCTD aims to do is to bring simulation management and infrastructure as a service through the cloud, providing interoperable tools and capabilities, and allowing seamless integration to agency’s enterprise systems through APIs and microservices. This talk presents the framework and principles that we have developed to support this effort.


Speakr Avatar Image Mr Wayne Tan, Senior Systems Engineer (Modelling & Simulation), Smart City Technology Division (SCTD), GovTech

01:45 PM - 02:00 PM

Sensei Care Kit: Enabling Automated Senior Health Tracking

As the senior population continues to grow, so does the demand for caregivers. The Sensei Care Kit addresses this need by aiming to boost caregiver productivity in monitoring the health of seniors. The kit enables collection of health data, including blood pressure and weight.

This data empowers caregivers to remotely monitor seniors' health, facilitating early identification of those requiring increased attention. With the emphasis on encouraging self-monitoring. The immediate data feedback allows for more frequent health assessments, empowering seniors to make informed decisions about their well-being.

The talk will delve into the technology and the improvements made.


Speakr Avatar Image Mr Tan Ding Hao, Systems Engineer, Smart City Technology Division (SCTD), GovTech

02:00 PM - 02:15 PM

Building Smarter Territories with Garnet Framework

Garnet Framework, formerly Smart Territory Framework, is an open-source framework for building scalable, reliable and interoperable platforms leveraging open standards, FIWARE open-source technology and AWS Cloud services.

In this session, Ali Benfattoum will explain how to leverage the garnet Framework to build smart solutions, break data silos, bring data together into one single space from heterogeneous sources and extract actionable insights from data.


Speakr Avatar Image Mr Ali Benfattoum, Principal Product Manager, AWS IoT, Amazon Web Services
* Please note that the programme may be subject to change without prior notice

Last updated 21 December 2023

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