STACKx Data & AI 2023 | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Tuesday (18/07/2023)

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

AI & Data for Tourism: eXtended Reality and Recommendations

To overcome Singapore’s land limitations, we need to extend our tourism offerings into the digital space to make Singapore a compact yet dynamic destination. STB partnered Snap and Google, and leveraged their AI technologies for location identification and object recognition, to deliver immersive XR experiences. I will also be sharing about an in-house built recommendation engine to help visitors discover relevant parts of Singapore more quickly.


Speakr Avatar Image Mr Wong Ming Fai, Chief Technology Officer & Quality Service Manager, Singapore Tourism Board

11:50 AM - 12:10 PM

The Age of AI: Building an AI Future with Google

The presentation provided an illuminating and compelling journey into the role of artificial intelligence in molding our current landscape and guiding our future path. It strongly advocated for us to recognize AI's potential, while also encouraging a responsible and advantageous integration of it into society. Further emphasized was the crucial role of ethics, transparency, and the partnership between major AI enterprises and the government.


Speakr Avatar Image Mr Martin Chee, Managing Director, AI Specialist, APAC, Google

02:00 PM - 02:25 PM

Accelerate Development of Generative AI Applications

Learn how multi-model AI models in the Generative AI space can be useful to streamline your operations and operate more effectively. From building better customer experiences with Large Language Models (LLM) and better personalized experiences, improved employee efficiency through language related helpers, improved search, as well as faster image and video visual generations.


Speakr Avatar Image Mr Olivier Klein, Chief Technologist, Asia Pacific & Japan, Amazon Web Services

02:25 PM - 02:50 PM

Jumpstart Your Career

Last year, JumpStart shared about its job recommender. There has been several progress since: JumpStart launched an upgraded course search feature on MySkillsFuture, which allows users to ask more natural queries like ‘skills for lawyers’ when finding courses. Recently, JumpStart also launched CareersFinder, a feature on MyCareersFuture where users can obtain personalised occupation, job and course recommendations, to help them plan their career. We will share the technical details underlying these recommenders.

Underlying these two new features is the JumpStart platform, which comprises a set of reusable data, MLOps infrastructure, models, and AI microservices. We are just scratching the surface of what could be powered by the JumpStart platform, and JumpStart’s ambition is to become a national platform that developers across public agencies, industry partners, and research institutions can use to power jobs and skills-related recommendations.


Speakr Avatar Image Mr Goh Zuo Min, Product Manager, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID), GovTech
Speakr Avatar Image Mr Leo Li, Senior Data Scientist, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID), GovTech

02:50 PM - 03:15 PM

Enabling the Public Service with AI: GovTech’s Approach To Building A Central Text Analytics Product

The Artificial Intelligence Platforms (AIPF) team develops central AI products that focuses on enabling public service with AI. We will explore GovText's capabilities in analysing unstructured text data, and discuss IM8 Q&A and DocuBot tools for improving service delivery. Benefits include increased efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced service delivery. We will also address challenges such as data security, trust, and potential harm from misleading information, while outlining future development plans for AI products in public service.


Speakr Avatar Image Dr Alvina Goh, Director, AI Platforms, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID), GovTech
Speakr Avatar Image Dr Watson Chua, Lead Data Scientist, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID), GovTech
Speakr Avatar Image Dr Li Lu, Data Scientist (II), Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID), GovTech

03:15 PM - 03:40 PM

XOps - Turning Data Into A Strategic Asset

The data engineering capability centre is building up our WOG muscles in DataOps and ModelOps, as strategic foundational capabilities that ensure our public service is well-placed to capitalise on the latest AI innovations and translate these to create value through production use cases. We are experimenting and trailblazing this via WOG systems like AG which democratises the infrastructure for agencies so they can focus on effectively leveraging their data to develop and deploy AI models at scale. To go far, our public and industry sectors have to learn from each other and embark on this transformation journey together.


Speakr Avatar Image Dr Yap Ghim-Eng, Director, Data Engineering, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID), GovTech
Speakr Avatar Image Mr Jeffrey Chai, Product Manager, Data Engineering, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID), GovTech

03:40 PM - 04:05 PM

Democratising Data and AI with Dolly

Join us for this presentation as Databricks covers the recently released Dolly large language model (LLM) - the first open source, instruction-following LLM, fine-tuned on a human-generated instruction dataset licensed for research and commercial use.


Speakr Avatar Image Ms Brooke Wenig, Director, Global Machine Learning Practice, Databricks

04:05 PM - 04:30 PM

Empowering Public Officers, Democratising AI

Many would have known by now the explosion of Generative AI technologies, but how are you preparing for the future where AI is part and parcel of your work? Join me for an exciting talk that will delve into how we plan to empower public officers to use AI effectively and equip them with the skills they need to thrive in an AI-driven future. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your way of working and bridge the skills gap with confidence. Let's embrace the change together and transform the future of AI!


Speakr Avatar Image Mr Joseph Tan, Deputy Director, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID), GovTech
* Please note that the programme may be subject to change without prior notice

Last updated 09 June 2023

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